One of our most favourite toys is the Connetix Tiles. We have the set of 100 and they are brilliant for open ended learning and fun. The children are always busy building structures and it really does ignite so much imagination and creativity.
Last night I prepared this little activity for them. Took around 10 minutes and I knew it would be ready then for them when needed the following day. I try to put together as much as I can for activities the night before as the children are so inquisitive, it can be really difficult to make things when they're crowding around keen to see what I'm up to.
As this was the first time we had done this activity I drew around each individual tile I used to make the formations. To make it more difficult next time I won't be drawing around individual blocks, instead I will be drawing the outline of a shape to see if they can work it out.
I did the simple version to begin with as I wanted to see if they were able to do it. I didn't want to set the challenge too high for them as that would make them disinterested in the challenge.
I was inspired to do this activity after seeing how much they enjoyed doing the cardboard cut out challenges I did.
I used some tape to secure it down on the floor and scattered the tiles around for the children to access. They were straight over to look at what I was doing and without any guidance they set to place the tiles on top of the puzzles.
This activity sparked a discussion on triangles and how they can look a little different from one another. I'm going to look at doing an activity that shares more on this with them.
They did a great job and they helped each other when they needed to find certain tiles that they were struggling to find. That melted my heart. It's so lovely isn't it when an activity makes them super engaged and they work together to help one another?
Lets see this activity in action:
They really loved doing this activity. One thing I made sure of was that I didn't overuse a particular block. I didn't want one to make all their formations and then an argument erupt because the other needed a tile from theirs as there was no more left.
This worked really well and as I say I am already really looking forward to doing this activity again but using a more complex challenge. I shall update the post and add this once I've done it with them.
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