We have had the pleasure to be the judge over on #kidscrafts101 hosted by Red Ted Art and Incredibusy on Instagram. Every day you have the chance to add the crafts you have been up to by simply adding the hashtag #kidscrafts101 to your posts.
I enjoy having a look through the photographs anyway. I love seeing what other people have been up to. It's great for finding some new ideas to try.
This week we choose the theme Hearts. I thought it was the perfect theme for the upcoming Valentines Day.
We have been loving heart crafts and activities on our blog too!
We have been really busy enjoying the following:
We had lots of wonderful posts to choose from....
Our top 9 posts were:
Heart Crafts are great all year round. They are great not only for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Grandparents Day - but also for Birthdays, Celebrations, Decorations etc.
What fun activities do you have planned over the coming weeks? Remember keep tagging your crafts on Instagram to the tag #kidscrafts101 - you may just get yourself featured!
A big thank you to Maggy at Red Ted Art for giving us the opportunity to judge this week. I look forward to seeing who makes the top 9 next week.

They are great not only for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Grandparents Day - but also for Birthdays, Celebrations, Decorations etc.