I went out this morning. My twins were fast asleep in their pushchair and my 3 year old was walking at my side. There was a Mom I spotted and it wasn't just because her baby was screaming and crying in distress, it was 'the look'. The look of a Mother trying to hold it all together when inside she was drained and crumbling.
I looked her in the eyes and I saw the pain she was feeling. She felt she had to justify her baby's noise and quickly said 'he has colic'.
I replied with 'you're doing great'. She went on to tell me how he was her first and it was much harder than she thought it would be. I felt sad that she was dealing with colic and it was making her new venture as a Mommy even more challenging than it would normally be.
It reminded me of my friend who's little one also suffered with colic. She would call me up crying after sleepless nights and feeling like a failure. Nothing she did would help settle her little boy and she was so hard on herself because of it, and naturally so! She questioned if he liked her, if she knew what she was doing and more sadly she questioned if Motherhood maybe wasn't her thing.
As parents we want to do the very best for our children and not being able to take away their pain and discomfort resorts in us giving ourselves a hard time.
As parents we want to do the very best for our children and not being able to take away their pain and discomfort resorts in us giving ourselves a hard time.
Although all 3 of my babies have suffered pretty badly from reflux, colic wasn't something I had dealt with first hand. Yet I saw the pain and struggle in my friends eyes and it's exactly what I saw in this Moms eyes too!
I admirered her strength and courage and felt it was important that I reassured her. I was familiar with just how hard being a Mom to a new baby was and that was without dealing with colic. I mentioned to her about the colic drops my friend had used on her little boy and said how much she saw a difference in him after using it. Colic is a lot more common than you probably realise affecting 1 in every 5 babies! The Colic drops are suitable from birth and gently soothe and relieve the symptoms of Infant Colic.
As a parent all you want is to do the best for your children and I can see why when dealing with colic you doubt yourself in everything you do. If there is an effective and soothing treatment out there that's going to provide some comfort to your little one - it's worth doing.
My friends little boy is a happy, bubbly 2 year old now. Him having colic is a distant memory. But I will never forget how it made my friend feel. I will never forget his little face in such distress.
If you have a child that is suffering from colic - don't feel like you're alone! Talk to people about how you're feeling.
My friends little boy is a happy, bubbly 2 year old now. Him having colic is a distant memory. But I will never forget how it made my friend feel. I will never forget his little face in such distress.
If you have a child that is suffering from colic - don't feel like you're alone! Talk to people about how you're feeling.

What a beautiful story and insight. Thanks for sharing, Amy!