Learning and Exploring Through Play are sharing with you a fun Spring Bucket List for Kids and their Families.
So if you are looking for lots of things to do during this beautiful new season why not work through this bucket list?
1. Visit A Farm
The Farms have been closed during the cold of winter and now they start to open and isnt it just the perfect time to visit? From baby chicks to baby lambs there will be lots to see and do. Some farms are brilliant with young children and create a very hands on environment.
Some offer tractor rides and if you go over Easter they sometimes have Egg trails to follow while you are there.
2. Plant some seeds
Planning some beautiful summer colour in your gardens? Why not grow your own? Not only is it more rewarding growing things yourself its a great learning opportunity for children and they love nothing more than tending to them and watching them grow. If you're not keen on growing your own flowers be sure to give Sunflowers a go! They grow super quick. Have a Sunflower growing competition and get all of the family involved! Take lots of photos and why not submit some to your child's favourite television station? Lots of them show photographs during the school holidays!
3. Go on a Nature walk
Put on your welly boots and venture out whatever the weather. Each weather brings different sensory sensations. Download a Spring Scavenger Hunt and see what you can find. Take a basket and collect some Nature. You could use it to create Sensory Soups and Nature Tables when you return home. Why not use it to create Nature collages?
4. Enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt
Whether you invite friends and family over and host an Easter Egg Hunt yourself or decide to visit a location be sure to go Hunter for the Easter Bunny this spring.
5. Create a Spring Sensory Bin
Sensory Bins a great for hands on learning. Its a fun, contained activity that can be enjoyed again and again.
6. Explore Spring Flowers in ice
The Nature you collected on your Nature Walk freeze some of it in layers in a jelly mould for interesting sensory play.
7. Make a Spring Sensory Bag
Older children can have a go at creating one themselves but for younger children this is a great sensory activity done under supervision. We created one using water beads and daffodil gems.
8. Make some Easter cards
Do your children enjoy arts and crafts? This is a great opportunity to get out the craft materials and get busy. Thinking of painting? Why not introduce a new method of painting?
- Ice Painting
- Mess Free Painting
- Painting on Foil
- Shaving Foam Painting
- Printing using toilet rolls
- Daffodil Handprints
- Potato Tulip Printing
Loved ones will love receiving cards. Why not include a recent photo of your little one too?
9. Bake some cakes
Whether you want to bake cakes or make deliciously, chocolaty Easter Egg Nests your little ones will love helping out in the kitchen. Treats after dinner and for visitors with a cup of tea.
10. Make some bird feeders
Very simple and cheap to make. Create some bird feeders and encourage birds into your garden. Birds are working very hard to feed their young so providing food for them in your garden is a great way to support local wildlife.
11. Go for a picnic in the park
Don't be put off by that chill in the air. Wrap up warm and pack up the sandwiches, fruit and crisps and venture out for lunch outdoors!
12. Make Spring Playdough
Have you created home made playdough before? Very simple and cheap to make! Infact once you've made your own you wont go back to buying it already made. We have an easy peasy recipe thats creates perfect playdough!
13. Go to the Zoo
Most Zoos are open all year round (bar Christmas Day). A lovely family day out!
14. Plan and Create a Fairy Garden
Fairy Gardens are super cute and a fun addition to any garden. They bring magic alive for children and they will really enjoy creating one. We have lots of Fairy Garden inspiration on our Pinterest.
15. Jump in puddles
Wellies at the ready, get a splishing and a splashing. Here in the UK we have lots of rain and are sure to have lots of drip drop drip little April showers. Join in and get jumping with your little ones. They will love you taking part too!
16. Decorate Eggs
There are lots of ways to decorate Easter Eggs so no matter what age your children are, there will be a technique out there suitable for their age and stage of development.
17. Look at the life cycle of a butterfly
This is in my top 3 activities to do with children during Spring. Get out The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book and introduce the life cycle of a butterfly. You could visit a butterfly farm or have your very own butterfly farm in your home! I have done the butterfly farms with children ranging from Nursery 3 years old to Year 6 - 11 years old and it has been a fun activity that all children have enjoyed. The process happens before your very eyes and you get to release them into your own gardens!
You can also look at doing more fun Minibeast activities.
18. Take photos in the rain
Get the cameras at the ready and get snap happy! Perfect opportunity to get some good shots and update all your photo frames! Don't forget copies for Grandparents!
19. Visit the Library
A free service - the local library. Select some stories and read them together. Can you find any Spring books to bring home?
There we have it 19 fun activities for our Spring Bucket List for Kids and their families.
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Great ideas I think I will be trying them with my girls Thanks