I want to cast your minds back to January time last year. We shared with you a I love you to pieces sun catcher card that you loved! Using this method we have made a super cute Christmas Tree Sun Catcher Card. Not only is it a lovely card to make it also has the option of removing the sun catcher and popping them on the Christmas Tree/Window, and enjoying them as a decoration.
You will need:
Tissue Paper/Coloured Cellophane
Laminating Pouches, Laminator OR Sticky Back Plastic
I used a set of cookie cutters for my stencils. I used the medium sized tree for the tree on the front of the card and the large one to create the sun catcher. Begin by drawing around the stencil on the front of the card.
Make a hole using the scissors and careful cut your way around the tree outline. I used a black marker pen to draw the tree to highlight to you on Camera/Photo, yet it may be a good idea to use a pencil.
Now your tree is cut out of the card its time to look at making the sun catchers.
Grab some tissue paper or cellophane. I adore confetti balloons and whenever we have them I save all the confetti that sits inside them. Its always great to have a variety in the craft stash and today its these circular papers that came in a treat!
I began by using the tissue paper before sprinkling down some foil confetti. Once the pouch was full it was time to close and laminate. You could also use sticky back plastic to make your sun catchers, if you don't have access to a laminator.
So there you go next time you go to a party or decide to host one yourself.... think of the possibilities that could follow if you save the confetti balloons to burst! My other half thinks I'm crazy, but honestly - you just never know! Just like the Funky Fingers Christmas Tree Wreaths we made this week! I had had the materials for them for 4 years! I knew one day something would come to mind!
I then grabbed the larger tree cutter to make a stencil. Rather than drawing the tree straight onto the laminated pouch I did the template and placed it on the top of sheet to cut it out. It worked great!
Don't they look great! You can get the PVA out at this point and start adding sequins, buttons, glitter!! Alternatively you can move on to the next step....
Add a loop at the top of your sun catcher and secure it inside the card with a little tape. Write a message on the front of the card and personalise the inside...
Lets take a look at the party in action:
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Be the FIRST to see us doing these activities aswel as getting to know us as a family over on Instagram. We also share LOTS of lovely new places to visit and events.
Lets take a look at some of our Christmas Crafts -

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