I have wanted to give drip painting a go for quite some time. With us getting through lots of baby jars each week with the twins - I washed a few out to make some Luminaries using this method. We made some Heart Luminaries recently and I light them every night! They are beautiful and I love that they were made by my daughter!
You will need:
Vivid Paints
Glitter Paints work brilliant too!
Glass Jars
Battery Operated Candles
Surface Protection
Wash your jars out. If they have labels stuck to them, submerge in water and they will fall off with no effort. Consider the surface underneath your jars as the paint will drip down in blobs. We used large plastic jar lids (that I have saved off the baby porridge pots. I honestly drive my other half crazy - HA!). We actually used the blobs of colourful paint that fell on the lids to enjoy another Process Art activity, It wasn't planned which made the spontaneous additional activity rather fun!.
Place your clean, dry jars in the centre of your lids, upside down. Begin squirting paint on the base of the jar. Keep squirting and you will see the paint ooze down the sides of the jar. It's actually quite a calming activity, even my preschool was fascinated by the paint falling down gracefully. The colours came together beautifully!
When there was enough paint added - we found that there was a pool of colours sitting at the top of the glass jar. Using our finger, we skimmed over the top to help push this paint over the sides. The swirls were so pretty on our fingers - I grabbed a piece of paper for us to do some printing with our fingers!
It took all day and overnight for them to dry fully. I did manage to move them onto a different surface. I was conscious of the beautiful thick blobs of paint that were on the lids and was keen to make show my Preschooler another beautiful Process Art technique.
Once they were fully dry I gave them a quick spray with some varnish that I purchased from a DIY store. It's great stuff and dries within an hour! We grabbed the battery operated tealights and popped them inside! They looked beautiful. I love all the vibrant colours and the mix of glitter really adds to the effect!
They are great fun to make all year round. You can make them as little gifts for Mothers Day, enjoy the rainbow colours as part of St Patricks Day or make them just because. My preschooler has made sure Nanny has a set of them too! They look lovely with our heart luminaries.
Now to think of something else we can utilise empty baby jars with.
If you have a go at making some of these we would love to see them!! Be sure to get in touch!!
We would love to add your photos!
Before you go two posts you HAVE to check out:
Jar Lid Marbelling Process Art

These are awesome, and I have an abundance of extra jars! It's going to be hard to get my daughter to not touch them for a whole day though to let them dry. Question: will any acrylic/poster paint work? Also, such a great gift idea.