Did you enjoy all the arts and crafts with the little ones this Remembrance Day? Little N has been really impressed with the poppies shes seen out and about and has enjoyed putting money in the collection boxes and proudly walking away with a poppy. Shes been like this for the last couple of years. Even though the day has gone now, she is still drawing them at her mark making table. She also had a task come home from school to discuss Remembrance Day and draw/write/paint anything relating to it.
As you will know if you are a regular follower of our blog, she adores painting! Any excuse to paint! So she was really keen to paint some poppies. She did lots independently and they were fabulous. I decided to share with her a different technique inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe.
Georgia O'Keeffe is a famous artist who enjoyed painting large versions of flowers. She enjoyed certain flowers and one of them was a poppy! Make sure you google her artwork! It is stunning!!
Oh and before you leave make sure you check out our art inspired by Jackson Pollock and Piet Mondrian!
Oh and before you leave make sure you check out our art inspired by Jackson Pollock and Piet Mondrian!
You will need:
Red/Orange/Yellow Paint
Black Paper
Paint Brush
Little N has just turned 4! I used this opportunity to encourage her to squirt the paint directly onto the paper. To squeeze the paint out like this helps to develop and strengthen the muscles in the hands. Not only that its lots of fun!! I didn't encourage her to stop either, I let her make her own choice as to whether or not there was enough paint for her picture. This gave her the opportunity to explore cause and effect. She used mathematical language whilst doing it too - 'I think I need more' etc.
Once she had her paint squirted onto the centre of her paper using large movements. Together (we painted at the same time) we popped our paint brushes in the paint and dragged the paint out to the edges of the paper creating a beautiful star burst effect. She went on to add squirts of orange and yellow too.
As soon as it was dry it was time to look at cutting. She really is developing brilliant control with her scissors now. From quite early on I provided scissors with her play dough tools. They were child safety scissors made of plastic, they couldn't cut paper but were great for chopping up play dough! 100% it was providing this so early on that means she can use a pair of scissors with great accuracy today.
Everything at the moment has to be cut up - paper, cards, play dough, lists to writes - so I knew she would be more than keen to cut out lots of little pieces of black paper for the centre of her poppies. I could have easily cut them all out for her so she could sprinkle them all on - but wheres the fun in that?
She loved cutting the black paper up into tiny pieces. Once she has enough she squeezed out some PVA glue and spread it around using her glue spreader. She sprinkled the tiny pieces of paper down onto her poppy and pressed them down with her fingers.
Once they were dry they were rather fabulous! Lovely, large poppies inspired by the very talented Georgia O'Keeffe.
Since we painted these poppies I have observed her at her painting easel using the same painting technique!
We have also explored art inspired by Jackson Pollock and Piet Mondrian so be sure to check them out! I'm sure the Jackson Pollock one in particular you wont resist getting involved in!!

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