I just love all the pretty, pastel colours that Easter brings! Spring has arrived after a cold Winter. The nights are slowly drawing out, the tulips, daffodils, snowdrops and crocuses add a welcoming colour to the great outdoors and the Easter bunny brings us lots of chocolate!!!
We have been busy creating some Saltdough Easter Keepsakes that make perfect, bright and colourful decorations to keep for years to come!
We created our keepsakes using Salt Dough.
You will need:
Plain Flour
Rolling Pin
Sharp Knife
Acrylic Paints
Paint Brushes

Once you have created your batch of Saltdough, roll it out using your rolling pin.
I rolled out the dough aprox 0.5cm depth. I made this thinner than previous keepsakes I have made and I found that it dried out much better and quicker!
I placed Little N's hand down onto the salt dough and opened her fingers out carefully before telling her to push down. I guided her hand by placing mine over the top. I gave a light push down over each finger before she took her hand off to make sure the prints were successful and deep enough to see.
Once it had fully dried out I then set about decorating them. I used acrylic paints. You wait until the keepsake had dried out completely before painting.
I mixed colours together to created the pastel colours I wanted. You can add spots, zig zags and even text.
Once your paint has dried, add a coat of varnish to seal them. You can also choose whether or not to add a hole in the top to hang up. I used the end of a screw driver. Pushing it through the dough gave a perfect hole that was big enough to add a ribbon through. Remember to do this step before you start drying the dough out!
I created three of them in total, two I painted and I had one for Little N to decorate how she pleased too. She enjoyed doing this and her decorations were lovely and colurful! It was a lovely activity that we sat doing together at the kitchen table!
They really do make pretty Easter decorations and I love how I can bring them out year after year! They would make great little Easter gift tokens to family and friends too!
If you liked this Saltdough Keepsake - why not check out the thumb print Easter Keepsakes we made too! Great to create using the left over salt dough from this project!
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