Sight - The was the custard looked. They way it fell off the utensils. How it changed the look of the containers.
Smell - The scent of custard was sweet and inviting.
Taste - The taste was delicious.
Hearing - The sounds that came from the thick oozy custard as it was being stirred and poured.
Touch - The way it felt between our fingers.
You will need:
Several packets/tins of custard
A container
A variety of Utensils
Begin by preparing the custard. If like us you choose the powdered custard that needs to be made with HOT water you will need to wait until the temperature is suitable for your little one, before making it available to play.

Consider the invitation for play and make it appealing, add a variety of different bowls, jugs and utensils that will allow hands on exploring.
Once the custard has cooled it is now time for hands on exploring.
Always consider allergies before allowing sensory play with food items.
Little N particularly enjoyed filling and emptying during this sensory play. She used her hands, spoons, bowls and jugs to fill containers before emptying them again.
She enjoyed putting her hands into the custard and swishing them around. She would then examine her hands.
Take into consideration:
-I would highly recommend that you cover your flooring as this activity can get rather messy.
-Wear aprons if you prefer however old clothes are great too and give children more freedom and flexibility during the activity.
-I found the custard stained the clothing after they had been washed so keep this in mind.
We had great fun and look forward to doing custard play again very soon!
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